Watch all episodes of JULIE now, on its Facebook page!
The Indiegogo campaign is now closed.
How about we show you the Pilot's first four minutes, so you get a better idea?
This is the story of Julie (24), who goes to a party, sees young Vincent get bit up in the street, and decides to help him out. While she takes care of the attackers, Vincent runs away. His cellphone falls on the floor, so she grabs it. The object holds a very dangerous program that pirates her computer.
Julie ends up in the middle of a conflict between two opposite camps. On one side is a company that will stop at nothing to get the program back. On the other side is Vincent, the hacker she helped, and his mysterious ally who acts like a robot.
In JULIE, we talk about new technologies, artificial intelligence, and what's left to Humankind.
It's a thriller that questions our responsibility towards machines, which are replacing us little by little in numerous areas. It's also a series dealing with ecology and its approaching dark future, and how to avoid it.
These questions carry a turbulent story, where twists happen every four minutes. In that optic, JULIE will put itself between the disturbing reflections of Ex-Machina and the wild rhythm of 24.
Finally, JULIE is a series passing the Bechdel test. If you don't know about it, it's a small test applicable to any fiction. To pass it, it needs at least two female characters, with names, who talk about something other than a man. With JULIE, we take special care in passing the test every episode. Not only because Sci-Fi Thrillers are still too rarely carried by women, but mostly because our favorite Sci-Fi stories have women as lead characters. Julie is a descendant of Ellen Ripley, Sarah Connor, Kara Thrace, and Bayta Darell. This last name might not speak to you, but believe us, she's a legend (damn Mulet who thought finding the second Foundation was easy. Try again jerk!).
The first episode was shot in June 2015, and was entirely self-produced. The actors worked for free. A big part of the equipment was loaned. The circumstances were exceptional ones.
To shoot the rest of the series, we need to rent our equipment, feed the crew for 25 days, and sometimes rent locations.
How can you help? By giving anything you can to the project, of course, but not only. You can talk about it around you, send links through emails, share our campaign on Facebook and Twitter. Say how much you gave. From $5 to $5,000, we have perks that will make you happy.
Your involvement touches us deeply, and there are no words to express how grateful we are. If you are at the head of a company and wish to be a sponsor, we have specific perks to propose.
Don't hesitate and contact us for more information.
Marion is the title's Julie. Currently in charge of the post-production department at Kayenta, she's previously acted in two webseries, including Discrépance, in which she played the character of serial killer Mathilde.
She also had the pleasure of working with Beyonce for HBO, but shush, that's a secret.
Sebastien plays Benoît, Julie's true love. Although he's lived in an Austrian farm most of his adult life, Sebastien has enough class to talk constantly speak German, unlike most French people who spend two weeks in the U.S. and can't stop speaking English. You know what I mean?
Antoine works as project manager for Capa Pictures. He's a vegetarian and loves biking at 7AM. A fan of Breaking Bad and Utopia, he profoundly and inexplicably hates the TV show Teen Wolf. Which doesn't stop him from playing the role of Etienne in JULIE.
An Editor at Capa Entreprises, Camille plays Vincent, and is also the creator of JULIE. He previously made Discrépance, a webseries no one watched except a jury in Vancouver, who decided (for whatever reason) to give him the Best Scenario Award.
Aïssata graduated ESCP-Europe and produced educational films for Agence Capa for eleven years, before joining Angie where she's in charge of contents for rich media.
Her long study of Korean dramas and her deep knowledge of the show Empire allow her to play the role of Amanda with nuance on JULIE.
Chantal is an Actress of wide range, able to play a dangerous murderer in Profilage as well as an annoying grandma in Les Vilains. She also dubs the characters of Yara Greyjoy in Game Of Thrones in France.
Long ago, Chantal quitted her career as Bernadette Lafont's press secretary, to lead a secret nightlife as Batgirl.
An Actor, Jérôme recently played the main character in the feature film Vasilia, as well as the short film Ne Revenez Pas. Tall and handsome, Jérôme compensates his intimidating appearance with a gigantic generosity.
Today he's the face of Alex, a key character in JULIE.
A Freelance Editor, Aloyse uses her free time for manicures, ordering Thai food, and being the lead character of the webseries Discrépance. She also appears in the feature film Les Vilains.
Her secret dream is to be cast in a recurring role in the TV show Plus Belle La Vie. Meanwhile, she plays the character of Laura in JULIE.
Quentin is a Director and Actor. He directed two short films called Intact and Le Temps d’un Repas. He was also the Director of Photography of Discrépance's Episode 4.
Known for his faster-than-a-Scandal-character speech pattern, Quentin now brings his signature style into directing JULIE.
Thomas Bazin has worked on numerous television fictions such as the recent La Main du Mal, as a Camera Assistant. He was also the Camera Operator on the first three episodes of Discrépance.
Thomas hates gorey scenes, but is nonetheless a fan of the TV show Fargo. Go figure.
The worst risk is that we don't reach our $25,000 goal, which is the minimum amount to make this first season of JULIE. A benefit of IndieGogo is we don't have to reach our goal in order to get the donations back. If we go over $3,000, we can shoot a new episode. At $6,000, we can shoot two. And so on.
Make sure your donation has every chance to be used in the creation of the rest of the series!